Mrs R's Retro Roadshow
Mrs R's Retro Roadshow

A classic retro disco just like they used to be!

A classic retro disco just like they used to be!

From the '60s to the '90s / All genres, all styles
Played from original 7" vinyl with classic dancefloor lights
Self-contained, insured & DBS-checked
Based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK

Terms and Conditions of Booking

Our services are subject to the following terms and conditions of booking.

  1. Definitions
    1. The 'Client' / 'You' is the person named on the booking agreement who is booking the services of Mrs R's Retro Roadshow.
    2. 'Mrs R's Retro Roadshow’ ('We') is a retro-themed mobile disco service playing 7" vinyl records alongside a retro light show, and provides the services requested by the Client.
    3. 'Mrs R's Retro Roadshow' is a trading name of Rainbow Unicorn Ltd.
    4. The 'DJ' is the member of staff providing services at the Venue on the day of the event.
    5. The ‘Venue’ is the establishment named on the booking agreement at which the requested services will be taking place.
    6. The 'Event' is the booked service date.
    7. 'In writing' shall be taken to mean 'by email' or 'by letter served to the trading address of Rainbow Unicorn Ltd.'.
  2. Booking and Payment
    1. At time of booking, the Client will provide full Venue details, event start and finish time, soft and hard curfew times, and load-out deadlines.
    2. Booking will only be considered confirmed on receipt of a non-refundable booking deposit of 25% of the total amount and signed booking agreement, further confirmed by Mrs R's Retro Roadshow in writing by return. The deposit will be deducted from the total final amount due. Methods of payment appear in the invoice email and on the invoice itself.
    3. Mrs R's Retro Roadshow will not reserve a booked date without payment of the booking deposit and receipt of signed agreement.
    4. Bookings made fewer than 7 days in advance will require full payment at time of booking.
    5. Bookings are non-transferable between Venues and events without prior written agreement of Mrs R's Retro Roadshow.
    6. Payment of the balance in full is required on the day of the booking, prior to commencement of the event.
    7. A VAT receipt will be provided upon request.
  3. Venue
    1. The Client warrants all Venue details given are correct as per the booking form.
    2. The Client warrants that they are entitled to use the Venue for the purposes of the Event and performance and that the Event does not breach any law, bye-law or conditions imposed on the property.
    3. The Client is responsible for ensuring all required premises licensing is in place for the Event including necessary entertainment (PRS) and alcohol licences.
    4. Adjustment of the volume and sound level of any equipment shall be as the Client or Venue reasonably requires. The Client is responsible for checking with their Venue if a sound limiter is fitted and what effect this may have on their event. Should the presence of a sound limiter prevent the DJ from performing or detract from the DJ’s performance in any way, the DJ cannot be held responsible. If, in the view of the DJ, the operation of the sound limiter poses a risk to our equipment, we reserve the right to end the performance without penalty.
    5. The DJ or Mrs R's Retro Roadshow will under no circumstances be held responsible if the Venue is found to be in breach of the terms of their licence.
    6. If on the date of the event the DJ finds major Venue differences which will impact the performance, the DJ will in the first instance attempt to resolve the matter with the Client but reserves the right to modify or in extreme cases reduce or cancel the performance.
    7. Atmospheric effects may be used to complement our lighting setup such as smoke, low fog, or haze machines. If you prefer that we do not use such effects or the Venue does not permit it, you must inform us prior to the Event.
  4. Music Preferences and Playlist Requests
    1. Requests during the event will be taken solely at the DJ's discretion and played if they are available and appropriate in their professional judgement.
    2. Music preferences and any specific music requests should be confirmed with Mrs R's Retro Roadshow at least 7 days prior to the event date to give us sufficient time to prepare.
    3. The Client understands that the nature of Mrs R's Retro Roadshow is dependent on the availability of 7" vinyl records and its condition thereof. While we cannot guarantee the availability of specific songs we will do our best to fulfil your preferences.
    4. No provision will be made to connect the Client's own equipment to our own equipment, or modify Mrs R's Retro Roadshow's setup under any circumstances.
  5. Technical Requirements
    1. Mrs R's Retro Roadshow staff will require adequate access to the Venue prior to & after the booking to allow setting up & breaking down of equipment. A minimum of 60 minutes (preferably 90 minutes) should be allowed for setting up and 45 minutes for packing up and vacating the premises.
    2. A stage area of approximately 4 metres wide and 2.5 metres deep is required, although we will do our best to work with any space constraints there may be. The Client must advise of any space constraints in advance of the Event.
    3. The stage area must not be close to any major heat source (such as open fires, radiators or space heaters).
    4. The Client is responsible for the provision of a suitable and safe electricity supply, with a minimum of two 13A mains sockets no further than 5m from the staging area. If we consider the electricity supply or any other aspect of the event is unsafe then we reserve the right to refuse to start or continue the performance after consultation with the Client. In the event of this, refunds will not be given.
    5. Where the Event is being held in a marquee or external Venue, the Client will ensure the work area is dry, flat, weather protected, suitably floored and that a minimum of two 13A voltage regulated, correctly wired and earthed electricity supplies are located close to the setup area. We are unable to operate the Roadshow from generator supplies without prior permission.
  6. Alterations to Contracted Playing Time
    1. Client requests for extension of playing time will be purely at the discretion of the DJ and may be subject to other constraints including Venue licensing - however we will do our best to accommodate any such request.
    2. Overtime may only be requested by the Client named on the booking form and will be subject to an additional agreed rate per hour, payable in advance.
    3. Early termination of the event or any entertainment will not result in a refund or any liability attributed to Mrs R's Retro Roadshow.
  7. Audience Conduct & Security
    1. The Client will provide and maintain adequate supervision over the guests at all times. Any damage, loss or theft caused by the Client, guests, Venue staff or Clients to our equipment, vehicle(s) and/or personal belongings will be the responsibility of the Client.
    2. The Client will be charged for any damages and we will advise the Client as soon as we are aware of the damages.
    3. Any potential hazard must be pointed out by the Client or the Venue staff at the time of set-up.
    4. If at any time before or during the Event we deem our persons or property to be under threat, verbally or physically, we reserve the right to either suspend or terminate the disco without further notice, remove equipment and withdraw from the premises. In the event of this happening refunds are not applicable.
    5. Where the Event may include guests under the age of 16, the Client (or parent if present) is responsible for the behaviour and safety of any minors in attendance.
  8. Non-Attendance
    1. We will use all reasonable endeavours to attend the Event.
    2. In the unlikely event that we are unable to attend a confirmed booking due to unforeseen circumstances such as accident or sudden illness, we will endeavour to provide a suitable substitute offering a similar service at no additional charge to the Client. If this is not possible then the Client will receive a full refund of all monies paid to Mrs R's Retro Roadshow for that Event up to the limit of monies already paid.
    3. We will not be held liable for failing to attend a booking where the reason for non-attendance or late arrival is caused by adverse weather conditions (including Snow & Flooding), road closure, road traffic accident, vehicle breakdown, fuel shortages, acts of terrorism, industrial action, Government restrictions, incorrect booking forms, technical or equipment failure, or other unavoidable circumstances deemed beyond our control.
    4. In all cases, liability for non-attendance is limited solely to monies already paid and no consequential losses may be claimed by the Client, financial or otherwise.
  9. Cancellation
    1. If the Client needs to cancel an agreed booking, the Client must inform Mrs R's Retro Roadshow immediately in writing, of which return receipt must be then confirmed by Mrs R's Retro Roadshow.
    2. If the Client fails to inform us regarding a cancelled or postponed event, then the Client will be liable to pay the full outstanding fees:
      1. Client cancellations over 14 calendar days prior to the event will result in forfeit of the non-refundable deposit only, and no other penalties will be assessed.
      2. For client cancellations fewer than 14 calendar days prior to the event, the balance of the total fee owed shall be payable in full within 10 working days of cancellation.
    3. In all cases, the booking deposit is non-refundable and no exceptions will be made.
  10. Photography, Videography & Social Media
    1. Photographs, video recordings, audio or other media documentation of the Event may be recorded for marketing purposes and the Client herein expressly authorises any such activities.
    2. Mrs R's Retro Roadshow will retain all copyright of photographs, video recordings, audio and other media documentation taken by us at the Event.
    3. The Client may opt-out of any media documentation of the Event by confirming the opt-out request in writing prior to the Event.
  11. Insolvency
    1. In the event of the Client entering corporate administration, liquidation, insolvency or other bankruptcy proceedings, Mrs R's Retro Roadshow reserves to cancel the booking without refund unless paid for immediately and in full.
  12. Force Majeure
    1. In cases of Force Majeure (which shall be known as war, fire, flood, death, illness or other incapacity certified by a properly qualified medical practitioner, epidemic, accident, civil commotion, national calamity, order of Government or Local Authority having jurisdiction in the matter, changes in law, foreign government policy, act of God), which are not attributable to any act or failure to take preventative action by the DJ or Client, then the DJ or Client may cancel this booking without penalty other than loss of any deposit paid. Appropriate proof of any claims of Force Majeure may be sought.
  13. General
    1. These Terms and Conditions supersedes all prior agreement and understandings, whether oral or written.
    2. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected thereby. The booking agreement and these terms and conditions shall be governed by English law and the parties herein submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.